Run an Ethereum client (optional)

An Umbrella node must be able to connect to an Ethereum client with an active websocket connection. This is possible by running either Geth, Parity, or using a 3rd party connection.

It's highly recommendable external services for your Ethereum client, such as Infura, since running one on your own managed machine will consume a lot of resources. If you do choose to run either Geth or Parity with their native clients, please be sure to enable the websockets API.

For this tutorial we'll be using Parity client via Kovan network .

Download the latest version:

docker pull openethereum/openethereum

Run the container:

docker network create umbrella-network
docker volume create openethereum-ropsten-data
docker run -h eth --name eth --network umbrella-network -p 8546:8546 \
           -v openethereum-ropsten-data:/home/openethereum/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/ \
           -it openethereum/openethereum --chain=ropsten \
           --ws-interface=all --ws-origins="all" \
           --base-path /home/openethereum/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/

Once the Ethereum client is running, you can use Ctrl + P, Ctrl + Q
to detach from the container without stopping it. You will need to leave the container running for the Umbrella node to connect to it.

If the container was stopped and you need to run it again, you can simply use the following command:

docker start -i eth